
Chiropractic care at The Chiro Lab utilizes the following: -Diversified chiropractic adjustments -Soft tissue manipulation -Corrective exercise There are many ways to utilize Dr. Ellen & Dr. TJ for care, which can make it hard to know where to start! Let’s begin by explaining the exams, since this is where ALL new patients start: Initial Exam - 1 Issue: Required for new patients tha... Read More

Chiropractic care at The Chiro Lab utilizes the following:
-Diversified chiropractic adjustments
-Soft tissue manipulation
-Corrective exercise
There are many ways to utilize Dr. Ellen & Dr. TJ for care, which can make it hard to know where to start! Let’s begin by explaining the exams, since this is where ALL new patients start:

Initial Exam - 1 Issue:
Required for new patients that have one issue. Includes Exam + Treatment.
-i.e. Neck pain from working at your desk job.
-60 minutes

Initial Exam - 2-3 Issues
Required for new patients that have two-three issues. Includes Exam + Treatment.
-i.e. Neck pain AND low back pain from working at your desk job.
-75 minutes

Forearm Initial Exam
Exam + Treatment for forearms only. Required if this is a new issue that has not been treated with The Chiro Lab.
This is NOT for shoulder issues. Please choose any previous exam.
-45 minutes

TMJ Initial Exam
Exam + Treatment for TemporoMandibular Joint Dysfunction (aka jaw pain) only. Required if this is a new issue that has not been treated with The Chiro Lab.
-45 minutes

Please note: If you have a combination of TMJ, forearms, and any other issue…select “Initial Exam - 2-3 Issues”. You do not need individual exams for these issues despite there being stand-alone exams for the TMJ/forearms.

15 min chiropractic treatment:

Forearm only, TMJ only or treatment of ONE region with a small amount of soft tissue work. All new patients require an initial exam.
i.e. Treatment of the right forearm.
i.e. Treatment of the TMJ.
i.e. Chiropractic adjustment and/or soft tissue to the cervical spine (neck)

30 min chiropractic treatment
Ideal for treating 1-2 issues for established patients. All new patients require an initial exam.
-Chiropractic adjustments (if desired)
-Modest amount of soft tissue

45 min chiropractic treatment
Ideal for treating 2-3 issues for established patients. All new patients require an initial exam.
-Chiropractic adjustments (if desired)
-Moderate amount of soft tissue

60 min chiropractic treatment
Ideal for treating 2-4 issues for established patients. All new patients require an initial exam.
-Chiropractic adjustments (if desired)
-Extensive amount of soft tissue

Ellen decided to be a chiropractor after her first season of Division I collegiate track. During that time she was on scholarship as a 400 meter sprinter and was showing promise as an 800 meter runner. The transformation into a mid-distance runner meant a significant increase in training volume. Increased stress on her body led to the emergence of the autoimmune disease psoriatic arthritis, which makes up 15% of those who suffer from the skin disease psoriasis. Psoriasis had been part of Ellen’s life from the age of 3 and the only solution known to her were steroid creams and sunshine. The skin disease alone was tolerable, the arthritic form of the disease wasn’t. Swollen knees, ankles, and wrists went misdiagnosed as tendinitis due to over-training. After two joint aspirations, two cortisone shots, and three months spent in a walking boot Ellen started to search for an alternative solution.

Ellen discovered the book Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative by John O.A. Pagano DC. In it she learned about the anti-inflammatory diet, a diet focused on the reduction of acidic foods to allow the gut to heal. She learned that one’s skin is a reflection of gut health and is a secondary organ for the release of toxins. The book detailed how other factors such as physical and mental stress can also play a significant role and can be managed through such means as chiropractic care, mindfulness, and exercise. Following the guidelines detailed in the book, Ellen for the first time was free of skin lesions with significant improvements in her joints.

The power over her situation and the ability to manage her symptoms by natural means inspired Ellen to choose a career that would allow her to do the same for others. She believes optimal health is reached by treating the body as a whole rather than the summation of its parts. Her own pursuit of physical fitness, mindfulness, and knowledge drives her to better serve her patients.

Ellen decided to be a chiropractor after her first season of Division I collegiate track. During ... Read More

Dr. Williamson was raised in the Ozark Mountains of northwest Arkansas. He earned a Bachelor of Exercise Science degree from the University of Arkansas before acquiring his Doctor of Chiropractic and Master of Sports Science & Rehabilitation from Logan University in St. Louis, magna cum laude. He was awarded distinct recognition for his academic success and received the University’s Evidence-Informed Award for his dedication to evidence-informed care and providing mentorship to students and colleagues.

While in school, he worked as a research assistant with interests in chronic, disabling spinal pain and the biopsychosocial model of patient care. From this, he published multiple peer-reviewed research papers, and he continues to provide lectures regarding these topics for musculoskeletal clinicians around the world.

Dr. Williamson’s mission is to serve his community by providing high-quality and cost-effective care. He uses a patient-centered and goal-oriented treatment approach by taking the time to understand each person’s unique desires before structuring an individualized management plan. Beyond hands-on treatment, he provides each of his patients with thorough education about their condition and self-care advice to continue their recovery from home.

Outside of work, he enjoys weightlifting, golfing, cycling, hunting, fishing, and spending time with his wife Clare, his dogs Millie and Murphy, and his backyard chickens. While he considers Colorado his forever home, he remains a loyal Kansas City Chiefs fan.

Dr. Williamson was raised in the Ozark Mountains of northwest Arkansas. He earned a Bachelor of E... Read More

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The Chiro Lab
Located at: 2595 Canyon Blvd, Suite 150, Boulder
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