Massage Therapy

Massage therapy at Performance & Recovery Labs is used for both the preventive and recovery needs of our patients . We specialize each session by listening to what you need and customizing the time on the table to help you get the most out of each session and walk out feeling better and ready to get back to your active life. Our professional massage therapists tailor their sessions using a ... Read More

Massage therapy at Performance & Recovery Labs is used for both the preventive and recovery needs of our patients . We specialize each session by listening to what you need and customizing the time on the table to help you get the most out of each session and walk out feeling better and ready to get back to your active life.

Our professional massage therapists tailor their sessions using a range of modalities such as:
-Deep Tissue Massage
-Neuromuscular Massage
-Myofascial Massage
-Injury Specific Rehabilitation
-Stress-relief/Swedish Massage
-Fascial Scraping
We know that real lasting changes extend beyond the treatment room, so we send each client home with stretches and exercises that can help them gain flexibility and range-of-motion post-bodywork.

Brenna has always had a love for understanding and learning how the body moves and functions. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, specializing in deep tissue and injury rehabilitation. She graduated from the wonderful Boulder Massage Therapy Institute in January 2022 where she received 625 hours of massage therapy training and completed 91 hours of clinical sessions. Since graduating, she has spent time working with professional athletes, people recovering from injuries, and providing general wellness based massage. Additionally, she has an undergraduate degree from Ithaca College in Health Science & Nutrition and has experience working in the medical and non-profit realms.

Brenna’s massage practice is centered around a holistic approach to treating the mind and body. She is happy to meet you with any goals you have and make the most of your time on the table. In her free time, she enjoys running with her pup, cooking fancy meals and exploring the mountains!

Brenna has always had a love for understanding and learning how the body moves and functions. She... Read More

Tim attended Massage School in 1991, and graduated from The Harold J. Reilly School of Massotherapy, Virginia Beach, Virginia, and The National Institute of Massotherapy, Copley, Ohio. A certified Instructor in Dynamic Reposturing, and formerly the Lead Instructor of the Advanced Therapeutic Massage Program at the Blake Austin College, Vacaville, CA. He has constantly updated his education to refine his “Client Centered Approach” to Bodywork.

Using modalities such as Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Therapy, and Dynamic Reposturing, among others we create an ever-evolving wellness program. Deeply rooted in Anatomy and Physiology, with an unapologetic relation to Intuition, each session is contoured to your particular needs.

Over the years he has worked with Professional, Olympic, and Elite Athletes, chronic pain sufferers, and those seeking optimal health. Acutely aware of your individuality each session is contoured to meet your specific needs.

Tim attended Massage School in 1991, and graduated from The Harold J. Reilly School of Massothera... Read More

Patricia discovered her passion for massage therapy in 2004 while pursuing her Physical Therapy degree in Brazil. While still in college, she worked at a spa specializing in Shiatsu and Reflexology, where she learned and perfected techniques from a Japanese mentor. After graduation, she continued to improve her manual techniques by learning new modalities and combining them to treat sports injuries, back pain, and posture issues. Patricia has experience working with a variety of athletes, including University volleyball players, ballet dancers, triathletes, and weightlifters.

Since moving to Colorado, Patricia obtained her massage therapy license and is currently working to renew her Physical Therapy license in the US. She is trained in various massage techniques, including Cupping, Maitland, Mulligan, Global Postural Reeducation, Moxa therapy, Reflexology, Lymphatic drainage, and Digital Posture Analysis. Her extensive knowledge and experience in these techniques enable her to create personalized treatment plans for each client, helping them achieve their wellness goals. Patricia has a deep understanding of how to tailor her techniques to meet the specific needs of each individual, and she has earned a reputation as a skilled and compassionate massage therapist committed to providing excellent care.

Patricia discovered her passion for massage therapy in 2004 while pursuing her Physical Therapy d... Read More

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PR Labs Massage Therapy
Located at: 2595 Canyon Blvd, Suite 150, Boulder
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